751G.02/3–150: Telegram
The Ambassador in Thailand (Stanton) to the Secretary of State
190. 1. Cabinet split over recognition Bao Dai now resulted resignation Foreign Minister Pote Sarasin. Pote informed me last night he tendered resignation yesterday afternoon since Prime Minister and military members Cabinet still strongly in favor immediate recognition Bao Dai. He said this matter subject continued heated arguments every Cabinet session and finally at last session agreed decision should be left to Prime Minister who has decided on recognition Bao Dai, Cambodia and Laos. Pote said he endeavored persuade other members Cabinet, namely Ministers Industry, Communications, Public Health, Justice, Deputy Prime Minister, who also opposed immediate recognition, not resign and thus avoid major Cabinet crisis.
2. While decision to recognize gratifying, most unfortunate that unanimity was not possible and that Pote resigned since he most capably discharged duties and always been very frank, friendly. I am also disturbed over fact Cabinet controversy and newspaper publicity have given erroneous impression we pressuring Thai Government [Page 748] and that we demand recognition Bao Dai and other two states as quid pro quo for military aid. I have had publicly to deny this and Prime Minister has also denied we pressuring Thai; nevertheless impression persists and is unfortunate. I know also from reliable reports received concerning Cabinet controversy that representatives Thai armed forces convinced recognition issue linked with aid to Thai. I have confidentially informed Prime Minister some military aid likely, but expectations Thai Army chiefs fantastic.
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