400.1183/6–1950: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


Replies to Depcirtel May 4 indicate holding internatl conf on arms smuggling SEA probably impractical and idea dropped for time being. However Dept continues consider checking arms smuggling matter of critical importance in restoring polit stability in SEA and in combatting Commie-inspired subversive movements.

Current developments re mil aid to SEA states make illegal arms traffic that area even greater interest to Dept. Consequently you shld take early opportunity to bring above views to attn govts to which accredited and express hope that renewed and contd efforts by local auths to stop arms smuggling can be expected. Method of approach left to discretion Officer in Charge as well as question of collaboration with Brit and Fr colleagues.

Report action taken and also report promptly any specific evidence of illegal arms traffic which comes to your attn.

Defense being requested issue appropriate instrs Service atts.

  1. Sent to Manila, Rangoon, Djakarta, Colombo, New Delhi, Karachi, Hong Kong, and Singapore for action; sent to Bangkok, Paris, London, Canberra, Wellington, The Hague, Saigon, and Tokyo for information.