793.00/11–1150: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


148. Recent developments in Far East, which have brought Chi Commie regime face to face with UN, have shown imperative need obtaining utmost info from mainland in order estimate Commie intentions. Question of Commie China now enlarged to include mil as well polit factors and involves safety well-being countries in UN who are joined in opposition to Commie aggression intervention in Korea. It is realized that official reps in Commie China of friendly countries, including those who have recognized, are circumscribed in activities and have limited confidential communication. Also realized some missions addressed have given particular attention to obtaining info re China from FonOffs.

Dept now desires each mission endeavor establish regular channel with FonOff for securing intelligence on China, relating particularly to Commie polit and mil moves and intentions. There will be varying difficulty in arranging procedure and everywhere utmost discretion must be exercised, as friendly countries will have natural anxiety jeopardizing own relations with Commie regime if such accommodation to US becomes known. Best argument is identity our interests and obvious advantage at this juncture US Govt and its services have fullest possible light on China situation.

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It is hoped that such contact can be continued, to extent it developed, when and if situation becomes more normal and that systematic relay significant info can in future help fill gap caused by absence Amer representation Commie China.

  1. This telegram was sent to the Embassies in Copenhagen, The Hague, London, Oslo, Ottawa, Paris, Rangoon, and Stockholm. It was repeated for information to the Embassies in Bangkok, Moscow, New Delhi, and Taipei.