Editorial Note
On September 20, the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly requested inclusion on the agenda of an item entitled “Question of Formosa” (U.N. document A/1373). On the following day, the Delegation forwarded an explanatory memorandum stating that the General Assembly “should study the general situation with respect to Formosa with a view to formulating appropriate recommendations” (A/1381). Over the objections of the Republic of China, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union in the General and First Committees, this topic was included on the General Assembly’s agenda as item 71 and referred to the First Committee. By the time it came up for discussion in that body, on November 15, the worsening situation in Korea caused the United States to request deferral of debate, which request was approved by a vote of 53 to 0, with 5 abstentions (A/C.1/SR.399). See footnote 2, page 573.
Also on September 20, the Soviet Delegation proposed discussion of an item entitled “Complaint by the U.S.S.R. regarding aggression against China by the United States of America” (A/1375). The Soviet Union’s explanatory memorandum is printed as U.N. document A/1382. The General Assembly, with the United States voting in favor, agreed to take up this question as agenda item 70. It then referred the question to the First Committee which began consideration at its 405th meeting on November 24 (A/C.1/SR.405).