450.6031/8–2250: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


283. Excon. Re Embtels 1023, Department, repeated 198 Paris June 29; 3 Department, repeated Paris 2, July 3; 175 Paris, repeated 897 Department June 6.1 Van Zeeland2 handed me August 18 memorandum dated July 243 explaining reasons for FonOff decision to [Page 173] sign trade agreement with. USSR,4 although providing for exports of many commodities in USA 1–B list. Text being submitted separately. Reasoning primarily based on (a) CG and CoCom have not unanimously extended international lists to include these commodities and (b) Belgian reluctance take unilateral action while commodities are supplied by other countries and included in some of their existing trade agreements.

Memorandum confirms impression Belgian Government limiting E–W control operations to multilateral commitments based on international lists I and II. Impression previously supported by decision in diamond transaction with Poland (Deptel 745) and reply FonOff unable prevent shipment aluminum to Tientsin (Deptel 2255) because omitted from international lists (although original note on extension controls to Orient expressed cooperative policy in more general terms). Extremely doubtful Belgian Government would take preventive action any export or trans-shipment unless clearly committed by multilateral decision. Embassy questions possibility convincing Belgian Government of necessity greater restrictions on their part while other PC’s offer alternative sources and exports from US continue through uncontrolled transit points. Present memorandum includes statement “the control is more heroic than practical and gives rise to whole series of frauds which it is practically impossible prevent”. Belgian Government considers CG and CoCom decision seat of control policy. If multilateral system presently recognized as authority is ineffective Embassy believes system should be revised rather than attempt supplement with unilateral requests for voluntary controls. Recent transit trade CoCom resolutions appear to present opportunity for USA make control air tight as to its own exports strategic goods by licensing exports only if end-use in PC assured.

Embassy will of course present requests to FonOff to prevent shipment cobalt and molybdenum (Deptel 2205) copper rods (Deptel 2235) gasoline (Deptel 2195) and any other transactions as instructions received, but consistent application present Belgian policy suggests requests will be ineffective if commodities not on lists I or II and unnecessary if they are on lists I or II. Placing FonOff in position of repeated negative replies to Embassy when basic system of control is concentrated in cooperative committees in Paris may further discourage confidence in multilateral action. Embassy recommends maximum effort increase effectiveness of cooperative committees supported by example of uncompromising control USA exports.

Sent Department 283; repeated info Paris 65.

  1. None printed.
  2. Paul van Zeeland, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  3. Not printed.
  4. A trade protocol between the Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union and the Soviet Union was eventually signed in Brussels on November 14, 1950.
  5. Not printed.
  6. Not printed.
  7. Not printed.
  8. Not printed.
  9. Not printed.