Editorial Note
At its 56th Meeting on May 4 the National Security Council adopted NSC 38/5 with the Department of State’s version of paragraph 20a(4) and an amended paragraph 20a(2) which reads as follows:
“The preparation of a draft Four-Power Declaration reestablishing Austrian independence which could be proposed if agreement cannot be reached in the present Treaty negotiations. Soviet participation in the proposed declaration would be required an order to provide for the withdrawal of Soviet military forces and to avoid a partition of Austria. A declaration of this type might contain provisions to accomplish the following, provided that an appropriate provision is also made therein to assure that Austrian security forces will, prior to the initiation of the withdrawal of Western occupation forces from Austria be reasonably adequate to maintain internal security.”
The revised text, NSC 38/6, “Future Courses of U.S. Action With Respect to Austria,” was approved by President Truman on May 5. (S/S–NSC Files, Lot 63 D 351, NSC 38 Series)
On May 8 the text of NSC 38/6 was transmitted in Tosec 130, not printed, to Secretary Acheson, who was attending a meeting of the Western Foreign Ministers in London, and to Keyes and Erhardt in Vienna. The Foreign Ministers discussed the Austrian question at their meetings May 11–13 and agreed to lighten the burden of occupation on Austria and to proceed with the appointment of civilian High Commissioners. For the full text of their declaration on Austria, see Secto 302, May 18, volume III, page 1071.
[Page 398]On June 12 the substance of the Foreign Ministers declaration was communicated to the Soviet Government by representatives of the three Western Embassies in Moscow with the request that the “Soviet Union, pending final decision on the treaty, would associate itself with the program determined upon by the three Foreign Ministers.” For the full text of the United States note as delivered by Ambassador Kirk to Foreign Minister Vyshinsky, see Department of State Bulletin, July 10, 1950, page 74. Documentation relating to the drafting and transmission of the note is in files 601.4163/6–650, 663.001, and 763.0221.