893.50 Recovery/2–2849: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
297. Urtel 487 Feb 28. Pursuant request Acting President and recommendation reftel Depts State, Army, Navy and Air Force in meeting Mar 2 reached fol decision: US Govt agencies will temporarily withhold future shipments from US ports to assure no deliveries mil materiel Chinese waters during March except as indicated below. As recommended reftel no diversion will be made cargo Mount Mansfield arriving Keelung Mar 5. Nor will USS Seminole due Keelung approx Mar 10 be diverted since it is arriving so soon after Mansfield and Navy cannot tie up vessel over extended period inactivity. However, [Page 500] USS Warrick carrying 150 tons electronic equipment now en route will not call at or discharge its cargo Chinese port during Mar.
Commercial vessels now en route Keelung as follows: Pres. Buchanan, 812 tons air force and motor vehicle spare parts, weapons spare parts, tires ‘and tubes, ETA Mar 25; SS Pacific Transport, 916 tons air force, ordnance, signal and engineering supplies, ETA Mar 26.
Action being taken quietly as possible and no publicity will be given here unless press or other inquiries necesitate explanation.
US Govt agencies will continue flow supplies to ports where they will accumulate for future shipment. No action being taken halt shipments equipment purchased commercially by Chi Govt and shipped commercial vessels.
Suggest you inform Acting Pres action being taken and point out desirability his taking steps approximately inform Chi Emb here. For your info Dept apprehensive lest Acting Pres subsequently request suspended shipments be unloaded mainland point easily susceptible Comm control and sees no reason why you should volunteer to him info contained in second para.