It is recommended that, if the Council adopts one of the courses of action in
regard to the Military Aid Program for China, as recommended by the
Secretary of Defense in paragraph 5 of the attached memorandum, the course
of action adopted be submitted to the President with the recommendation that
he approve it and direct that it be implemented by all appropriate Executive
Departments and Agencies of the United States Government under the
coordination of the Secretary of State.
The Director of the Joint United States Military
Advisory Group in China (Barr) to Major
General Ray T. Maddocks, Director,
Plans and Operations, General Staff, United States Army
Shanghai, 26 January
CYF 771 OAGA. Although removed now from the best sources of information,
I feel that such facts that I have been able to obtain on the present
political and military situation and my conclusions and recommendations
will be of value and interest to you.
Peace negotiations are making little progress and those most interested
hold no hope for better peace terms than the eight conditions26 specified by Mao
Tse-Tung.27 In a 1 hour
conference with Li Tsung-Jen28 on 23rd
January at Nanking, he told me that if he could not obtain a reasonable
and honorable peace with the Communists, he would take the Government
south and continue to resist. I pointed out that if he lost the troops
now in the Nanking-Shanghai area, the Government would have little
chance of resisting effectively in the south if the Communists pursued
in force. Their inherent mobility and effectiveness of their methods of
transportation would enable them to quickly reach and crush any
Nationalist effort to assemble, reorganize and train troops to meet
them. In my opinion, if Li Tsung-Jen’s peace efforts fall [fail], he will lose all his influence. In this
case, I believe there will be a demand for the return of the
Generalissimo to head the Government. I am convinced that the
Generalissimo foresaw an eventuality, that he did not believe peace
could be obtained when he resigned and that in his astuteness he
deliberately played it the way he did. This conclusion was drawn from a
conversation immediately preceding the Generalissimo’s departure.
Undoubtedly the present “Peace Party” had hoped that the Communists would
agree to peace talks and perhaps issue a cease-fire order prior to a
real military threat against Nanking. It is apparent, however, that the
Communists have no idea of talking peace until Nanking, and perhaps
Shanghai, is in their hands. They are deliberately delaying such talks
and even adding to terms originally stated. The fact that Nationalist
troops are being sent south out of Nanking and that no resistance is
being offered north of the Yangtze leads me to believe that the
Government will not fight to hold Nanking. The point
[Page 482]
has been reached where Li Tsung-jen must
either accede to all Communist demands or evacuate the remainder of the
Government south. I am inclined to believe that he will follow the
latter course, if physically possible, which is doubtful at this
In an interview on 25th Jan. with General Tang En-Po, Defense Commander
of the Nanking-Shanghai area, he stated that he was not going to obey
the orders of Li Tsung-jen to discontinue work on defense installations
in the Shanghai area, nor was he going to lift martial law as directed.
He said he would also refuse to obey the instructions from any
Communist-influenced Government. He further stated that he will fight
for Shanghai until driven out when he plans to remove his troops to East
coast points in Fukien Province. Tang En-Po has about 8 divisions under
his control in the Shanghai area. He understands that he will not have
the support of the people if he offers resistance there. He is a strong
Generalissimo man obviously not in sympathy with the policy being
pursued by the present Peace Party in Nanking but he cannot hope to hold
Shanghai under the circumstances.
The Communists are reported in strength just north Pukow across the
Yangtze River from Nanking. If the city is not already within artillery
range it probably will be within 24 hours. The Reds have also reached
the Yangtze East of Nanking at the Grand Canal and are approaching the
river west of the city in the Wuhu area.
In view of the foregoing, it is recommended that the Chinese aidship Seminole, AKA–104, be held in Bangor or returned
to that port to await developments.
As regards continuance of United States military aid to China,
consideration should be given at this time to the policy to be pursued
by the United States Government in the following 2 cases:
- 1.
- The present government rejects the Communist peace terms and
is successful in establishing itself in Canton.
- 2.
- The Generalissimo reinstates himself as President and
establishes an exile government in Taiwan.
Should the Chinese Air Force and Navy remain loyal to the Generalissimo,
which is doubtful, and should they really fight, which they have not
done in the past, he should be able to hold Taiwan for some time.
It is requested that reply reference decision made on disposition of Seminole be made through CinCFE.