894A.01/9–2249: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Rankin) to the Secretary of State

743. On 19th September officer of Consulate met group FLR leaders, including Liao brothers, General Huang N Ping, and Hsiao Shen Onu, latter two well known Ambassador Stuart, at their request. Group stated maladministration of present Taiwan Government forcing islanders look to CCP as liberators. Fertile field for CCP underground. Estimate 20 percent armed forces strongly disaffected. Younger members FLR and similar groups taking attitude that failure democratic nations relieve them from Kmt oppression forcing them turn to Communists.

Group inquired if US intended take any positive steps ameliorate situation on Taiwan prior to settlement status island through Japan peace treaty. Urged that situation becoming critical, requiring action soon. Interviewing officer replied no information on this point.

Group then asked if wishes of islanders would be consulted prior to peace treaty decision on future status island. Interviewing officer replied no information this point. Also said would forward their comments to Department.

Sent Department; repeated Taipei unnumbered.
