894A.00/8–2549: Airgram

The Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

A–86. Despite almost daily public executions of disturbers of public order, the local situation appears to continue to deteriorate. The residence of one of the Consulate’s officers has been entered and robbed and attempt on another made.

The residence of a locally established American citizen has been forced by military personnel who departed only after lengthy negotiations.

A British resident has been forced to purchase towels and pens from Chinese soldiery under threat of reprisals. (This recalls to mind the use of the same technique in Shanghai last year.)

The Consulate General has been requested by some Americans to issue placards for display on American occupied premises. Such placards were prepared some time ago when the first trouble was encountered with soldier refugees from the mainland but never issued due to an apparent easing of the situation. However it has appeared [Page 379] that issuance is now advisable and they are being distributed on application. Their content is in accordance with standing instructions.
