893.01/12–149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Dunn)

3082. Urtel 3906 Dec 1. You shld inform Director General Polit Affairs that US attitude toward recognition by friendly countries remains that previously expressed (see Depcirtel Oct 12, 7 p. m. [11 a. m.]60) as follows:

Announcement of establishment Chi Commie “Govt” long anticipated development and does not in US view lend any special urgency 1 to consideration question recog by non-Commie countries. Development does however point up necessity interested friendly govts, in their own interests, maintain common attitude respecting question. To this end US Govt emphasizes need for full exchange views prior [Page 212] any definitive or independent steps looking toward recog by other interested friendly govts.

  1. Ante, p. 122.