893.01/5–1249: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

1951. We asked Baeyens40 whether Foreign Office note transmitted Embtel 1941 meant that French intend raise with Secretary whole question of defense SEA41 against Chinese Communists, French military situation in Indochina, our attitude toward Bao Dai42 regime, etc. After consulting Parodi,43 he has replied in negative saying that present French plans are to confine discussions to eventual recognition Chinese Communist regime in China with particular reference to special French problems arising out of common frontier.

  1. Jacques Baeyens, Head of the Asia–Oceania Section of the French Foreign Office.
  2. Southeast Asia.
  3. Head of French Indochina, former Emperor of Annam.
  4. Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General of the French Foreign Office.