026 China/8–2049: Telegram
The Counselor of Embassy in China (Jones) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 21—1:59 a. m.]
1845. Third major Hsin Hua commentary on White Paper released August 20 entitled “Bye Bye, Leighton Stuart” is primarily continuation of argument of second commentary (see Embtel 1837, August 19 to Department, repeated Canton 780, Shanghai 1005) for benefit of intellectuals and democratic elements still suspected being friendly USA. It differs from previous commentaries only in sinking to new low in lampooning, personal defamation great friend of China. This may reflect some degree of pique that Ambassador Stuart left Communist China without making anticipated approach to highest CCP authorities with suggestions realignment US policy. Latest comment emphasizes somewhat more than earlier articles necessity for Communist China to get along without economic goodwill of USA regardless of suffering which may result.
Sent Department, repeated OffEmb Canton 783, Shanghai 1019.