893.111/12–2349: Telegram

The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Bacon) to the Secretary of State

2646. Cantel 1339 [1338], December 20. Conclusion contained reftel apparently supported by alleged ruling appearing North China Daily News and China Weekly Review last week to effect that foreign resident may leave China only through his “port of residence” and must reside such port minimum 3 months to qualify as resident. [Page 1362] ConGen has advised Embassy authorities Shanghai deny existence such ruling there; uninformed whether true for Tientsin. Nonetheless no retraction noted and local impression is that such ruling does exist at least for purpose preventing Shanghai residents proceeding Tientsin for embarkation.

Since early September all foreign residents Nanking have been obliged obtain China exit permits from authorities Shanghai.

Sent Department 2646; Department pass Hong Kong 844, Shanghai 1293.
