125.925/12–349: Telegram

The Consul General of Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

767. Following comments re Deptel 505, December 1:

Favoring maintenance:
Under Communist domination restrictions on obtaining information would be so tight that Taipei would be useless as effective listening post;
There are only 211 Americans in all Taiwan of whom 93 are US Government officials including their dependents. Sole [Some?] non-official Americans plan evacuate after New Year. American investment on island negligible except for very small missionary property holdings and US Government property and buildings;
Closure now would be terrible blow Nationalist morale and might result in immediate collapse or turnover;
No comment;
Favoring closure:
Consulate General would be completely isolated and of no value as listening post;
Fighting in Taipei unlikely but, even if so, it is doubtful staff would be in physical danger but in any event would be subject to greater physical discomfort in a place already uncomfortable;
Without doubt more severe anti-US feeling would arise than heretofore due reasons advanced Deptel. In addition to Communist anti-US attitude, Formosans would turn against Americans as they feel we are responsible for their present position and will blame US for allowing Communists take Taiwan.

Conclusions: I strongly recommend this office be closed before Communist occupation or turnover. Even before receipt Department’s reftel, I decided suggest consideration be given closing Consulate General on basis 2 C Deptel 505 and grounds that office would be useless as a listening post under Communists.

It is recommended also that all female members of staff be in possession transfer orders or home leave orders not later than January 1. Exact date their departure can be determined by principal officer depending on situation following receipt travel orders.
