125.925/12–149: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald)

505. After giving serious consideration all factors pro and con closure ConGen Taipei in event Taiwan threatened by Commie occupation or turnover, Dept has reached these tentative conclusions: (1) regardless developments ConGen shld be maintained long as practicable and feasible; (2) all ConGen wives children and female personnel shld be advised evacuate now.

[Page 1359]

Dept has taken note fol factors:

Favoring maintenance: a) highly desirable US have listening post in island of such polit, econ, mil, and strategic importance; b) some form protection Amer cits and interests shld be maintained; c) closure now wld be blow to Nat morale and cause violent reaction certain groups US; d) closure wld make reopening later date difficult if not impossible; e) Taiwan’s unsettled legal status might be lever in case unsatisfactory treatment Cons personnel by Commie auths.
Favoring closure: a) if Commies so ordered, ConGen cld be completely isolated like Mukden or severely restricted like Dairen, in either case making value as listening post nil; b) Commie occupation wld pose possible danger to staff’s physical safety, in case fighting in Taipei, and personal welfare, in case incarceration; c) more severe anti-US feeling might arise than elsewhere as result Taiwan’s position as last Nat bastion serving as base “blockade” and bombing Commie-held cities and from continuance ECA aid and concentration US mil supplies this area.

Dept wld appreciate ur comment on above factors and conclusions.
