393.1115/11–249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (McConaughy)

2201. In view inadequacy lateral cryptographic communications facilities, Embcirtel Aug 23, 4 p. m.84 cancelled. Shanghai, Nanking and Tientsin instructed as follows:

In all cases involving Amers in ur district where clearly evident lack protection afforded by Commie auths, you are instructed (1) attempt protest through most effective or feasible channels to local auths citing circumstances, (2) tele info Dept with request that tel be rptd Peiping and (3) recommend whether or not Peiping shld at that time attempt lodge similar protest with central Commie auths. You shld keep Dept informed re outcome such cases. Re cases concerning which you have initially recommended Peiping not at time protest, you shld at any subsequent time you feel such protest desirable request Peiping do so, sending tel through Dept. Peiping to keep Dept informed re protests, with request that Dept rpt msg to post concerned.

  1. Not printed.