501.AA/12–349: Telegram

The Tibetan Cabinet Ministers to the Secretary of State

As Tibet being an independent state, we have no dangers from other foreign countries but in view of the spread of Communism and their [Page 1088] successes in China, there is now an imminent danger of Communist aggression towards Tibet.

As all the world knows that Tibet and Communist China cannot have any common sympathy by reasons of religion and principles of life which are just the opposite, therefore in order to defend our country against impending threat of Communist invasion and also to preserve our future independence and freedom, we consider it most essential for Tibet to secure admission of her membership in the United Nations General Assembly.

We are sending a special mission to the United States in this connection but, in the meantime, we shall be most grateful to you and your Government if you would kindly help us and place our humble appeal to the United Nations immediately through your good office so that Tibet could take her place in the United Nations as a member state.

Kindly take immediate action and wire reply.

(Cabinet Ministers of Tibet, Lhasa)