124.936/9–1249: Circular telegram
The Counselor of Embassy in China (Jones) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 12—3:24 a. m.]
2065. Because of drastic staff reductions Nanking will be unable handle large volume political telegrams presently received here. Request effective immediately no political telegrams be repeated Nanking unless of particular interest this office. Press telegrams heretofore regularly repeated Nanking by most posts must also be discontinued. Political reporting from Nanking will be limited to developments this district. Instructions economic reporting given Embassy cirtel September 2, repeated Department 1983.81 Sharp cutback necessary both classified and unclassified traffic since navy radio facilities being closed and teletype operation discontinued.
[Page 827]Sent circular, repeated Department 206 [2065], Department pass Hankow, Tientsin, Tsingtao.
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