123 Stuart, J. Leighton: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

833. Urtel 1526, Jul 14. Dept greatly disturbed over “shop guarantee” requirements for Amb and other official passengers AirAtt plane and believes dangerous precedent wld be set if “shop guarantees” from either Chi or Amer firms for official dipl or con personnel [Page 788] were provided Chi Commie auths under any conditions. If this shld prove not local but attempt to impose countrywide procedure, its application to such outlying places as Mukden for example wld be virtually impossible fulfillment. While Dept of opinion any undue delay Amb’s departure wld be unfortunate, question of “shop guarantees” believed of sufficient importance warrant postponing departure until requirement such guarantees waived for official US personnel. For ur info, Chi Commie requirement “shop guarantees” believed unique and no similar restrictions applied in [iron] curtain countries Eastern Europe.

Dept also of opinion similar guarantees by Emb or individual Emb officers extremely undesirable and might lead to endless complications resulting from trumped up charges brought against Olive12 or other members party fol their departure.

Dept has considered possibility giving wide publicity to planned date Amb’s departure and list passengers accompanying in attempt to effect permission departure as planned without requiring “shop guarantees”, but concerned lest such action might make Commies even more obdurate and leave no room for face saving retreat. Wld appreciate Emb’s comments this point.

Emb shld in meantime point out to Commies unprecedented nature their demand (and only reminiscent of tactics Manchu Li Fanyuan13), which completely contrary accepted internatl custom and usage with regard dipl and consular officials, and inform them under instructions US Govt Emb can under no circumstances accede. Emb might also in its discretion give Commies understand any unreasonable delay in departure will be full responsibility Commie auths and wide publicity re reasons for delay not unlikely.

ConGen Peiping instructed make similar representations Chi Commie auths there.

  1. For documentation on the case of Vice Consul William M. Olive at Shanghai, see pp. 1155 ff.
  2. The Li-fan Yuan, established in 1638, was a Manchu board in charge of affairs relating to Koreans and Mongols.