124.936/4–2749: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

887. Commencing 26th Embassy operations and personnel seriously crippled by increasing restriction on movements.

Ambassador, Jones, Cory,9 Kierman,10 Anderberg and Anderson11 now rigidly confined residence compound as result additional guard posted noon 27th permitting no one to leave. At same time officers residing Chancery compound (Bacon,12 Clough,13 Harris,14 Hinderer15) on call to handle groups Communist soldiers demanding electric cable, electric current, water, et cetera, or merely entrance to satisfy curiosity. Usually such groups disposed of without difficulty; but one threatened to break down gate if not admitted and left only after being shown Chen Yi’s16 proclamation on protection foreign properties. Embassy has now made telephone request to a number (said to be competent headquarters) supplied by Peace Preservation Committee for investigation incident and for appropriate Communist posters directing troops to leave Embassy premises undisturbed. Other protection problems (such as 5 Ninghsia and 47 Ninghai17) apparently on way to solution. With establishment Control Commission anticipate fewer such emergency problems will arise. Bennett18 and Harris have so far been able to function without restriction at their offices situated elsewhere in city. No interference with alien government or domestic employees reported, and their morale considerably improved since week end. American morale never better.

Sent Department 887, repeated AmEmbassy Canton 325. Shanghai 465, Peiping 140.

  1. Thomas J. Cory, Second Secretary of Embassy.
  2. Frank A. Kierman, Assistant Attaché.
  3. Robert Anderson, Assistant Attaché.
  4. Leonard L. Bacon, Second Secretary of Embassy.
  5. Ralph N. Clough, Second Secretary of Embassy.
  6. George L. Harris Attaché.
  7. Harry A. Hinderer, Attaché.
  8. Chinese Communist commander in the Nanking area.
  9. Embassy properties in Nanking.
  10. Josiah W. Bennett, Assistant Attaché.