893.00/1–2149: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kohler) to the Secretary of State

158. Consistent recent Soviet “no-comment” policy China, following passage deleted by censor from New York Herald Tribune correspondent despatch on publication Mao Tse-tung peace terms:

“One opinion voiced here is that Communist revolution China is greatest event Twentieth Century after Russian revolution and defeat Germany two world wars.

From Soviet point of view Chinese revolution constitutes continuation and extension Bolshevik revolution Russia. It cited in support Soviet contention widely circulated on occasion 31st anniversary Bolshevik [Page 71] revolution last November that Communist forces at home and abroad steadily becoming stronger while capitalist countries growing weaker. At that time Molotov34 in anniversary speech Bolshoi Theatre said ‘pillars imperialism steadily crumbling’. On same occasion previous year he said ‘we live in age when all roads lead to Communism’.”

After statement that Mao’s terms “clearly reflect his adherence Communist ideology and views,” censors suppressed following phrase “currently espoused by Communists different parts world”. Censor also suppressed word “everywhere” following statement that “Mao’s program confirms thinking Communists”.

Sent Department 158; repeated Nanking as 12.

  1. V. M. Molotov, then Soviet Minister for Foreign Affairs.