124.93/6–1849: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

1321. I have some misgivings re Department’s proposal to assign Diplomatic Secretary Chungking maintain contact remnants Nationalist Government. (ReDeptel 687, June 10, sent telCan 315, repeated Shanghai 1169, and 705 June 16,62 repeated telCan 342, Shanghai 1213.) Some of my colleagues here, particularly British Commonwealth, have been upset by this decision and obviously feel we have gotten out of line on what they consider was generally agreed policy to close offices Embassies Canton and maintain relations remnant Nationalist Government through Consular Officers. British Ambassador sent long telegram last night requesting his Government suggest US reconsider in consultation British Government.

I can see advantages to maintaining diplomatic contact with Nationalist Government as long as possible. On other hand, I feel relations could be maintained through our Consul Chungking and perhaps subsequently Taipei acting in dual capacity if considered desirable but with emphasis on Consular establishment. I recommend Strong be appointed Consul Chungking and placed in charge Consul[ate] there; that, incidentally and during time Nationalist Government would be in Chungking, he be given dual commission as Consul and First Secretary to represent Embassy near Nationalist Government; that, if and when Government moves Taipei, our Consul there be given similar dual status. I feel that our relations with diminishing Nationalist Government would be better understood in China and by Chinese people if they were maintained through already established Consulates in Chungking, etc.; that incidental commissioning of our Consul as Diplomatic Representative would be technical device, which important to Nationalist Government but not the significant factor. Britain, I believe, would go along with this.

One other factor adding my uneasiness is that we might find ourselves with only French maintaining diplomatic representation Nationalist Government Chungking. French impress me as willing to make any sacrifice their China policy in order to protect colonial holdings Southeast Asia and I would regret to see US associated with French policy Far East even by implication.

Sent Department 1321, repeated OffEmb Canton 549, Shanghai 716.

  1. For latter, see p. 758.