124.93/6–1349: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 576. Have been giving further thought to action we should take when Nationalist Government finally moves Chungking (Cantel 512, June 1, repeated Nanking 349). There may be elements in situation of which I am unaware yet from here; am corning to conviction there may be some advantage in French idea of maintaining diplomatic representation Chungking at subordinate level.

Communists have publicly stated they will not recognize any government maintaining relations with Nationalist Government and, if we send no one Chungking when Govt moves, it is conceivable Communists will interpret such action in nature appeasement and greatly [Page 699] increase their pretensions, possibly even to extent demanding China’s seat international councils immediately provisional government formed. On other hand, if we maintain representation Chungking we not only avoid possible death blow Nationalist Government, but we also demonstrate to Communists that we intend ignore their threat and will consider recognition Communist govt only upon demonstration Communist willingness and capacity meet usual international requirements. At same time we assure retention friendly Chinese vote international councils. That Nationalist Government realizes advantage this point would seem evident from action Acting Foreign Minister in endeavoring impress me intention Chinese Government henceforth almost slavishly follow our policy regarding Japan (Cantel 558, June 1058). Such action might improve our position in negotiations with Communists and it might not, but thought Dept should be informed my present thinking on subject.

In early days Kmt Government we maintained relations through Consulates General and Counselor Embassy Nanking. Would it not be desirable at this time return to some such arrangement and give Strong concurrent title Secretary of Embassy at time Government moves? Giving Strong diplomatic capacity that time might be wise move for reasons given above and would enable him maintain any contacts needed with remnant Government Chungking. He could be removed elsewhere and Consulate function as heretofore when Government is forced leave Chungking as appears eventually to be inevitable. Even its most ardent supporters give it less than year in Chungking.

Repeated Nanking 383.

  1. Not printed.