701.5193/1–2349: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

91. Following Paris telegram 293 January 23: [Here follows text of telegram printed on page 661.]

French Emb here conveyed similar info Dept Jan 22, saying Schuman20 had requested Emb ascertain Dept views re desirability removal Ambs to Shanghai for reasons given in foregoing tel and also since Shanghai would provide easy exit from China if desired withdraw Amb. Dept replied would consider suggestion but in view withdrawal Gimo, reported efforts open peace negotiations and absence evidence Chi Govt actually moving Canton no decision re removal foreign embs Canton seemed necessary this juncture.21

  1. Robert Sehuman, French Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. This section of telegram was repeated to the Ambassador in France as No. 203, January 25, 5 p. m.