893.00B/9–2349: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1592. All Suiyuan Province now nominally under Communist control as result Tung Chi-wu’s telegram of September 19 to Mao–Chu38 declaring severance connection with Kmt and “desire to participate in people’s democratic camp”. In Ninghsia Province, press to date has only reported liberation on September 14 of Chungning, on Yellow River 90 miles south Ninghsia city. Ninghsia Province now almost cut off by PLA Kansu advance. Status Ma Hung-kuei unreported in press.

Jen Min Jih Pao September 18 reported that in early September a joint message was sent to Tihwa by Kmt Deputy Army Commanders Chao Sui and two division commanders Ma Chen-wui and Tan Cheng-hsiang, who crossed over to PLA middle August. This message called on Ma Yun-chang, Kmt Mayor, and Ma Pu-fang’s 5th Cavalry Army now in Sinkiang to cease fighting and come over to side of Chinese people. Stated that, since PLA liberation of Tsinghai, people have equality and religious freedom as compared previous suppression and exploitation of Kmt and Ma Pu-fang. Expressed hope that officers, troops in Sinkiang will realize the situation, revolt to side of people to avoid meaningless sacrifice.

To Tientsin by mail.

  1. Mao Tse-tung and Chu Teh.