893.00 Manchuria/9–949: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

3748. Consulate. General officer informed by reliable Chinese source (prominent newspaper policy advisor close to Communists) that authorities much disturbed by widespread criticism of Soviet position Manchuria. Criticism runs as follows: Soviet insistence on taking over Port Arthur, Dairen and joint control over Chinese Eastern Railway and even removal Manchurian machinery justifiable so long as danger Manchuria might be controlled by Kmt under domination America which would in effect put hostile power on Soviet border. However, no excuse for Soviet retention these privileges now that China almost liberated.

As result such criticism source states Ta Kung Pao instructed by authorities to write editorial answering critics who appeared September 7 under title “Soviet Union and northeast” (re mytel 3731, September 933), with object quieting popular resentment against Soviet encroachments. This paper chosen as being safer than official Chieh Fang Jih Pao. Source believed editorial poorly done and could only result in deepening people’s suspicions vis-à-vis Soviet aims in Man-chu[ria]. (Above information of incidental interest as confirming our previous understanding that Ta Kung Pao and other “independent” newspapers being utilized by authorities for feeling out public opinion and issuing trial balloons which authorities not prepared launch themselves.)

Pass VOA34 for information. Department pass Peiping 328.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Voice of America.