893.00/9–249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald)

294. Ur 443 Sept 2 reporting conversation with representative Ma Pu-fang, which Dept has rptd Canton.

For ur confidential info Dept fol with interest plans and capabilities regional leaders to oppose Commies. Because reported stability his regime until recently, strength his forces and geographic position, Ma Pu-fang has been considered one of most promising such leaders. However, recent reports of Commie successes in northwest and deterioration morale Ma’s troops tend to cast doubt Ma’s capability maintain sustained defense against Commies. Dept desires maintain friendly interest Ma’s plans capabilities without at this time committing US Govt to any direct assistance.

Dept suggests that if Ma or his representative again approaches you, you state that you reported previous conversation to Dept which endorsed remarks you had made and expressed its interest in Ma’s plans and capabilities to carry on sustained resistance to Commies.
