893.00/8–2549: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Jones) to the Secretary of State

1895. Hsin Min Pao August 23 published Li Chi-shen address to Peiping branch of KmtRC in which he said in part:

“Formerly our principal task was to weaken and sabotage rule of reactionary government. Therefore, we encouraged and established association with anyone willing to work for KmtRC and sow confusion in reactionary group. As a result, it has been unavoidable that some bad characters join committee. Hereafter, we must demand that understanding and activities of each member be up to standard and must select members with more care.

There are now three types of persons in committee: 1st, those who understand facts and principles clearly; 2d, those who simply opposed Chiang; and 3d, opportunists, who seeing crisis facing Chiang regime secretly established relationship with committee for their own benefit.

Comrades of first type should assume responsibility of leadership and education, those of second type should be encouraged to learn, while those of third type should have their actions subjected to strict review. Those guilty of actions contravening public opinion should not be permitted to reregister. Preparations for reregistration are being made first by Peiping branch and we hope will serve as example to other branches.”

Sent Department, repeated Shanghai unnumbered.
