893.00B/8–949: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Strong), at Canton

TelCan 618. Dept sympathetic Han Li-wu’s views reported Cantel 912 Aug 9 as he believed typify best type enlightened patriotic honest capable official who has made valiant effort prevent development present situation. Suggest you reply along fol lines:

US Govt does desire support in China measures taken by Chinese themselves build independent nation free from outside interference and domination. Cannot be too strongly emphasized, however, measures must be indigenous and to be effective must be based on Chi initiative and not dependent upon external assistance. US Govt wld, of course, welcome rallying of effective resistance which wld give hope of opposition to Commie domination China and is interested in any plans to that end.

Suggest you indicate reply ur personal views but that Dept has expressed interest in Han’s efforts and wld be interested in his plans.
