893.00/8–2249: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Hopper) to the Secretary of State

602.… Source informed … that Huang and followers going almost any lengths get and keep good will CCP. Group leaders inform members western powers inimical China’s political and economic development. Only true friend China is USSR.

Contact believes main motivation group members is wish get appointments coalition government. Thinks group incapable independently constructive political action in new government even if leaders so disposed. Feels CCP presently using group win over Kmt political and military officials useful completing conquest China and will reject or strictly control it when military operations concluded.

Source points out contradiction above and third paragraph Hong-Kong telegram 581 to Department,99 quoting statement member of group. Source believes group leadership incompetent, confused, fundamentally acting from personally selfish motives despite claims larger aims. Only slight, though some possibility play significant or independent [Page 500] role in coalition government. To become effective political force would need much outside guidance.

  1. August 18, p. 495.