893.00/8–1449: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 943. Reliable American newsman returned from Lanchow yesterday, states city still Nationalist hands but entire provincial [Page 487] government already moved Tsining with schools, hospitals, etc., ordered move personnel and equipment there if they can obtain transportation. One inferior division reported detected [defected?] near Taihshu, after fall that city, but balance Ma Pu-fang’s troops retreating through Lanchow toward Tsining in good order.

Appears all good troops being withdrawn to Tsining area, leaving Kansu Corridor unprotected, so that Reds can seize it virtually without a fight after capture Lanchow and thus completely separate areas held by Ma Pu-fang and Ma Hung-kwei. Source states all information he obtained Northwest indicates separation between Ma cousins already exists to large extent due “personality differences”.
