893.001 Chiang Kai-shek/8–1149: Telegram

The Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

375. Visited General Sun Li-jen75 at his headquarters during official visit South Taiwan. He looked tired, despondent and holds little hope [Page 484] for Nationalist forces. He severely criticized Government, saying officials only interested security their positions. Numerous conferences have accomplished nothing, according him. He said Government is disintegrating due its own corruption and rottenness and Gimo is badly mistaken if he thinks he can hold it together through personal loyalty as leader. Sun claims Gimo made great mistake by not retiring entirely from political scene and any hope of Acting President and Gimo reaching complete agreement or solidarity and working together on major issues is pure figment of imagination.

He foresees total collapse of Nationalist armies, saying armed forces no longer have will to resist and that civilians have lost all confidence in President, Government. He remarked that it is so hopeless he can’t see why they carry on. Sun impressed me as having taken just about as much as he can stand and about ready to give up but continues to do his duty out of sheer patriotism.

Sent Department 375, repeated Canton 176.

  1. Commanding General Taiwan Defense Headquarters and Deputy Director of Military and Political Affairs for Southeast China.