893.00B/8–1149: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1346. Re Contel 1071, June 23.70 Ex-Mayor Ho Su-yuan August 9 informed me PCC scheduled be convoked August 20. Joseph Chang shortly before said August 15, will last about 1 month. Ho said subject[s] conference agenda were now under discussion by Communists who had circularized other groups setting forth their position re government organization “for reference”. Circular provided small space for noting down comments by other groups but opinions would hardly be opposed strongly by Democrats who continued as before squabble vigorously among selves. Those squabbles had irritated Communists [Page 482] who had placed spies on them. Definitive discussions were being held in closed-in Communist council, not public meetings. PCC date would be postponed only if there was failure reach decision on outstanding questions, it being expected government be set up October. Note confirmatory indications PCC will be rubber stamp conference.

Ho criticized BBC71 report of differences opinion between Chou En-lai and Liu Shao-chi saying Liu is like Chou in fact to be considered highest in CCP in opposition [to] Li Li-san orientation. There are true differences of opinion within CCP respecting international orientation but it is not to be expected that there would be any split within CCP at this time. Ho opined further there was no change in Communist attitude vis-à-vis either USSR or USA.

Would comment that Communists presumably are presently concentrating attention on scheduled PCC and completion this stage military campaign and that question international orientation can therefore hardly be expected occupy much of their energies at present. Invite attention recent spate Communist reports showing high hopes for economic assistance from USSR particularly re industrialization and even foodstuffs (Shanghai’s 3125, 5 a. m., August 9 to Department72). Express firm opinion that at present juncture adamant economic factors offer strong guarantees that Communism in China will remain weak and opine further that with such hopes re Soviet help Communists possibly now face winter of their discontent with USSR.

Sent Department 1346, repeated Nanking 966, OffEmb Canton 258, Shanghai 883.

  1. Not printed.
  2. British Broadcasting Company
  3. Not printed.