893.00B/8–949: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 912. Han Li-wu, Minister of Education, although denying that present phase is rapidly coming to end, agrees that next phase to problem will be battle for Chinese mind. Problem will be to reach disillusioned elements under Communist domination and inspire them, to hampering Communist activities and eventually to uprising in revolt against Communist regime. Reports have been coming to him, as they have to me, of widespread and growing disillusionment in Communist-dominated areas. It is fertile soil in which we should seek plant seeds of democracy. First issue of long-awaited periodical Free China is planned for this month and despite our information to contrary, Dr. Han believes Dr. Hu Shih will return by October to Taiwan to head up publication periodical and related activities under aegis Ministry of Education.

I told Dr. Han that it seemed to me obvious from Secretary’s covering letter to President re White Paper63 that we would desire to support in China any measures giving promise of enabling Chinese people create society they desire unhampered by foreign ideology or interference and I asked him give me memorandum outlining his plans. I said that, speaking personally, as I had not even reported subject to Department, let alone received its instructions, it seemed to me [Page 478] that if he could outline program giving possibility effective rallying of resistance within Communist-dominated China, we would desire to help. Although I will, of course, submit any memorandum he gives to me to Department for consideration, should appreciate Department’s preliminary reaction line I have been taking.

Dr. Han, who, as I reported from Nanking, is one of the small group determined upon resistance unto death to Communism, refuses to admit possibility government will not remove Chungking should Canton be threatened and, to prove his case, is planning go there, takhis wife and family with him, despite the obvious objection his wife.

In an off moment, Dr. Han admitted Pai Chung-hsi is conservative, [anti?] Communistic and is unlikely make firm stand until he has become guerrilla in mountains Kwangsi.

He says Li Tsung-jen was advised when he assumed office Acting President that he should decide whether to try to be a Chiang Kai-shek or a Lin Sen.64 He said Li had determined endeavor emulate Generalissimo, but had failed and now seems reconciled to role Lin Sen. He admitted Li had gotten brush-off from Generalissimo when last he visited Taiwan, but feels Yen Hsi-shan is being effective bridge between two and that Li will stay on role Lin Sen, even though government eventually move Taiwan. As indicative of individual bickering which is continuing, Dr. Han admitted reluctantly that Chu Chia-hua, who former Minister Education when Han was Vice-Minister and now Vice-Premier, has hampered his, Han’s action, there being jealousy on part Chu and unwillingness see Han succeed where he, Chu, had failed.

As I have previously reported, Han Li-wu seems the one bright spot in present government. If there is any way we could help him in his battle for the Chinese mind, believe it would be beneficial to us and might have possibility eventual success.

Sent Department Cantel 912, repeated Nanking 601, Shanghai 486, Taipei 105.

  1. Department of State, United States Relations With China (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1949), p. iii.
  2. President of the National Government of the Republic of China, 1931–1943.