893.00B/6–749: Telegram
The Consul General at Hong Kong (Hopper) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 7—7:41 a. m.]
311. … Source reports … that Chiao Mu93 now acting as informal unofficial Consul [at] Hong Kong for Communists. Chiao performs such functions as clearing travellers desiring go Shanghai and handling problems arising from foreign shipping. In conversation with source June 4, Chiao indicated strong desire Communists for US trade but stated if US adopted restrictive measures directed at Communist government, Communist reaction would be swift and strong. Chiao estimated Canton be taken by Communists at will and they would do so by July 1. Chiao volunteered Hong Kong question can only be settled on highest level and will be considered by Communists as integral factor in Communist–British relations.
Sent Department 311; repeated Shanghai 82, OffEmb Canton.
- Chinese Communist spokesman at Hong Kong.↩