893.00B/6–649: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

1212. Re Embassy Cantel 475, May 26. We wish it were true that “Mao has no idea of emulating Tito, but aspires to be Asian Lenin”. We believe that from our point of view this development would be an even greater blessing than that of Titoism in China, for Russian arrogance and suspicion would make idea of Asian Lenin even more repulsive than that of Balkan Tito. Russians, by everything they have done since July 1920 (when at second Congress of Comintern they forced Bolshevik organization and principles on all Communist parties abroad), have demonstrated they have to lead world revolution themselves. They are constitutionally incapable of delegating responsibility in this great endeavor. Nothing would be better calculated to cause a split, if not war, between USSR and Communist China than Mao having temerity to set himself up as Asian Lenin [garble], although way is now almost wide open to CCP military-political penetration into Indochina, Burma, Malaya, Hong Kong, etc., we in Nanking have still found little evidence to support theory that Mao aspires independently to pull strings of revolution in Southeast Asia as Lenin pulled them in Russia. (That Mao may strive for Lenin’s humanity, austerity, perseverance, wisdom, perceptivity is of course quite possible but these qualities are not germane to main issues of power and autonomy.) On the contrary, it seems to us that Mao’s relation to USSR is that of brilliant disciplined if somewhat junior ally in “world anti-imperialist front” which Chinese Communists themselves almost invariably refer to as led by greatest Socialist state.

We question statement that “careful study Communist propaganda will substantiate that there is paucity of mention of Marxist, Leninist or Stalinist doctrine, sole stress being on Mao Tse-tung”. Bookshops of Nanking now display many translations of Soviet pontiffs. To mention only few of many possible quotations, North Shensi broad cast March 21 featured article entitled “lesson from events in Indonesia”, which recommended to Indonesians that they should learn, [Page 369] as has CCP, to “combine universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with practical revolutionary activities of peoples of country”. Jen Pi-shih, in addressing first All China Congress of new Democratic Youth League April 12, stated that “within league, education in Marxism-Leninism should be carried out systematically”. Chu Teh90 May 4 urged delegates to All China Youth Congress “to equip themselves with teachings of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung (in order named) so that they could play full part in development of country”. Hsin Hua radio Mukden recently announced that “in order to promote internationalistic revolutionary spirit, show respect and admiration to revolutionary leaders, express friendship for Soviet Union and support Chinese leaders, propaganda department northeast CCP Central Committee has directed display of portraits Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin in order named from left to right in all public meeting places, government offices, factories, schools, et cetera”.

Emphasis on industrialization and shifting of center of gravity of party work from rural to urban areas which was announced in March 1949 report of second plenary session of present CCP Central Committee we interpret not only as natural result of Communist capture of large cities but also as notice to world that Chinese Communists have grown up and want to wear long pants in Marxian society. This plus their closer relations with other Communist parties including those of Southeast Asia, their role at Paris, Praha World Congress for Peace, their support of WFTU,91 their close adherence to propaganda line of USSR, however, are all conducted within framework of behavior demanded from Cominform countries. They betray not slightest trace of contumacy against Soviet leadership, but rather sympathetic unquestioning acceptance of it. Not only do Chinese Communists give enthusiastic lip service to Soviet Russia, they also give of themselves, as was reported in Embtel 1194, June 4, re CCP and Soviet plans for Manchurian industry.

All this attests to fact that of many forms of Marxism that which has taken root in China and thrived so well is Leninism. Chinese Communists have so mastered Leninist precepts of discipline and loyalty to world revolution that now, even at hour of their greatest glory, by neither word nor deed have they yet betrayed to world one single trace of deviation which might be expected foreshadow any unorthodox aspiration of Mao Tse-tung.

Sent Department 1262 [1212]; repeated OffEmb Canton 498, Shanghai 656, Moscow 36.

  1. Commander in Chief of Chinese Communist armies.
  2. World Federation of Trade Unions.