893.00/5–2649: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

1832. Situation seems substantially unchanged since last night. Nationalists still hold position directly in front of Consulate and along north bank of Soochow Creek. Now being attacked by Communists with light arms, grenades and mortars. Firing in other nearby streets. Building still being struck by bullets and Cabot servant injured on head by flying glass from window. Consulate well stocked with food, has water, light, and telephone. Staff, of course, directed not to come to work; they report situation generally quiet in districts taken by Communists except for sporadic firing and occasional small skirmishes, evidently in streets where Communist control still being consolidated. Shelling duel across west part Soochow Creek visible last night.

Ta Kung Pao 26th carries following item:

“Liberation Army has not advanced towards the Soochow Creek. Bridges are still in Kmt hands. Nationalist troops who had gone to Woosung to embark have again returned to Hongkew because there are not enough ships. Communist troops have occupied North Station.”

Liberation Army units in western district belong to 27th Army of Chen Yi’s Third Field Army. Tram and bus services partially restored.

Sent Department, repeated Nanking 1003, Canton 544, ComNav-WesPac.
