893.00/4–2249: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 251. Wu Tieh-cheng,34 just returned from Nanking via Chikow where he saw Generalissimo,35 tells me Generalissimo and Acting [Page 265] President36 lunching together today Hangchow to plan future. He insists Generalissimo continues support Li fullest. Among decisions to be reached Hangchow is that of selecting over-all military Commander in Chief. Wu thinks Ho Ying-chin37 will be selected, possibly with Pai Chung-hsi38 as deputy.

Wu says harshness Communist terms has united all forces opposing Communists and has renewed and strengthened will to resist. “We will stop them everywhere,” he said.

All government organs not already [in] Canton, including Cabinet and Legislative Yuan, will move here immediately. Acting President expected possibly next week.

Despite forceful manner in which Wu expressed determination stop Communists, he admitted they had already crossed Yangtze in two places—one west of Wuhu, the other up river from Chinkiang, at both of which places serious fighting, he said, is now taking place.

Repeated Nanking 210, Shanghai 161.

  1. Former Vice President of the Chinese Executive Yuan and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Chiang Kai-shek, who retired as President on January 21, 1949.
  3. General Li Tsung-jen.
  4. President of the Chinese Executive Yuan (premier).
  5. Military and Political Affairs Director for Central China.