893.00/4–1949: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 233. We agree on desirability encouraging Ma Hung-kwei (Nanking 777, April 16). Recent reports suggest that Mohammedan [Page 249] leaders Northwest are taking all possible action necessary keep Communists from their territories. Besides recruiting and redisposing forces and spending own funds [to] arm them, Ma brothers are sinking ancient differences with Mongolians in attempt create united anti-Communist front. Given resources [of] parties concerned, scale effort necessarily small, but honest attempt apparently being made to firm up effective resistance movement virtually unparalleled elsewhere in country. If such resistance carried out, given difficulties terrain, temper and fighting qualities Muslim and Mongolian troops and probable preoccupation of Communists elsewhere, movement might well prove source considerable embarrassment to Communists.

As Nanking suggests, ECA technical advisors might be made vehicle this encouragement. ECA currently has mission in area and by strengthening it with personnel covertly detailed for specific purpose advising Northwestern provincial administrations, Ma and followers would doubtless be considerably heartened. If carefully carried out, such action should be inconspicuous and not involve US in embarrassing commitments. On other hand, flat refusal Ma request might alienate him to detriment our interests.

Sent Department Cantel 233; repeated Nanking 202.
