119.2/10–2949: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Bacon), at Nanking
1234. Urtel 2330, Oct 29. Trans[fer] radio equipment Commies prohibited by reg[ulation]s and in accordance Depcirtel Sep 14, para 4M.67 Although refcirtel intended as general Admin instr all China posts, it was not sent Tihwa view earlier closure that office. Therefore, probable Brit Con Tihwa not aware provision that radio equipment shld not be allowed fall into Commie hands intact.
In discussing matter with Brit Emb you may point out that obviously Commies wld use radio equipment to further anti-Amer propaganda. If radio equipment not already mutilated and inexpedient do so now, and if Commies arbitrarily seize, inform Dept.
Dept leaves to ur discretion in consultation Brit Emb nature reply to be sent Brit Con Tihwa. Brit Emb Wash informs Dept Brit Con Tihwa desires instr in plain text, via commercial channels.
- See footnote 66, supra ↩