800.91293/10–749: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 6—11:15 p. m.]
4207. On October 6, representatives of the foreign press in Shanghai were told by CGRA58 that it could no longer accept press messages. [Page 1295] For clarification, foreign correspondents were referred to Alien Affairs Department. On October 7, they were handed order of SMCC dated October 6, to following effect:
“Effective, from the date of issue of this order, all correspondents in Shanghai, irrespective of whether they are Chinese or foreign, for foreign newspapers and periodicals, news agencies and broadcasting agencies, whose country has not established diplomatic relations with the Chinese People’s Republic are to cease acting in their capacity as pressmen, including the filing of press telegrams and radiograms.”
According to preliminary survey, Tass has two representatives still in Shanghai, one having gone to Peiping. Other Eastern European countries not represented. This effectively closes out foreign news reporting from Shanghai. Department please pass Peiping at its discretion.
- Chinese Government Radio Administration.↩