102.22/7–3149: Telegram
The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 31—1:55 p. m.]
2979. First hopeful development siege Glenline Building occurred late this afternoon when it was agreed that Thomas and representatives workers would both call at General Labor Union Shanghai municipality tomorrow morning for review of claims of ex-Navy employees and to consider advisory recommendations General Labor Union. I agreed to permit Thomas make this call contingent on following three conditions, all of which accepted by ex-employees:
- (1)
- Thomas to be released immediately from confinement room 118 and enabled to get long recuperative sleep in atmosphere of complete freedom before meeting takes place,
- (2)
- Thomas to proceed to meeting independently, not escorted by ex-employees,
- (3)
- Consul General not to be bound or committed in any way by recommendations General Labor Union.
Understood that I proposed wire Washington promptly for instructions after reviewing Labor Union’s recommendations.
Thomas released from room confinement 6:35 p. m., and came immediately 6th floor apartment. He is naturally very tired after ordeal of more than 25 hours but appears otherwise in good condition. He ate a hearty meal and is now sleeping soundly.
Mass of workers have left premises, leaving token force of about 12 men who are remaining unobtrusively in lobby. They might not interfere with Slay ton, Thomas and me if we wished to leave building tonight but we have decided make no move to leave tonight.
Tension notably relieved at least for time being. It is possible that nothing will come of survey of situation with Labor Union tomorrow, in which case we will be back where we started, but course adopted offers some promise without any compromise essential principles on which we are standing and affords the relief for Thomas we have been seeking.
Authorities still have not intervened openly though we cannot be sure what has been going on behind scenes in response to weighty representations instigated by Chase. Some dissension clearly exists in ranks ex-employees, some of whom, asserting they are non-Communists, allege that Communist Party workers not belonging to ex-Navy employee category have infiltrated group and usurped leadership.
AstALUSNA today received payroll data for ex-Navy employees of BOQ and En Clubs and recreation center. With this data all payrolls should be completed tomorrow.
Sent Department 2979, repeated 1665, Canton 934, Peiping 234.