811.42700(R)/7–1849: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

2816. Local press carries announcement by SMCC July 16 establishing provisional measures for censorship of international telegraphic and radio messages. Substance of regulations as follows: [Page 1238]

Telegraphic messages and Voice broadcasts may not give information on weather conditions, places bombed or damage committed in air raids, location and condition of airfields and air defense units, place of garrison, strength, unit, name, numbers and movements of PLA; particulars concerning radio stations and military installations; locations sites govt MCC and PLA political military and public organizations.
Telegraphic messages may be sent out only after being censored and passed by SMCC radiogram censorship section.
Manuscripts of Voice broadcasts must be submitted in advance for censorship.
Objectional words or phrases will be deleted but no addition to or alteration in message may be made.
Persons repeatedly violating article (1) will be punished.

Sent Department 2816, Nanking by mail, operational.
