123 Cabot, John M.: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

2660. Reurtel 1359, July 7. Greatly appreciate Department’s sympathetic views. I believe most of American community here knows that I postponed my departure leave since this was published in May as item to instill confidence during turnover. This plus fact that many in community know I have been recurrently ill for some months should [Page 1208] help explain departure. I agree some unfavorable reaction will inevitably result but since community has great confidence in and liking for McConaughy I think such reaction will not be very serious. Despite distinctly unfavorable turn which events have taken since early June, it is still true Consulate General can do but little for Americans and their interests here under present circumstances. Department will appreciate that most serious cases handled by Consulate General have involved Consulate General itself. Chase has taken decision in ingenuous and cooperative spirit.

Should Department contemplate action in accordance with my telegram 2642, July 7,3 paragraph 11, it might be advisable for me to stay until this operation completed but I have misgivings whether my health will stand up under indefinite strain of present conditions. Although Ambassador’s target date is July 15, I think it doubtful he will be able to get off so soon.
