811.20200(D)/6–1349: Telegram
The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 13—8:37 a. m.]
Cantel 583; At present seems unwise make frontal attack Communism (Shanghai’s 2198, 10th to Department, repeated Nanking 1154) and thus incur Red denunciation possibly resulting closure USIS. Rather seems to us more important for posts coming under Communist domination exercise tact and caution this regard avoid shutdown. Perhaps even overcaution best policy avoid arousing resentment during military control commission period. (Hankow’s 174, 9th to Department,48 repeated Nanking 134.) Harder lines to be adopted on Department instructions following establishment civil control individual areas.
Consider criticism of Soviet policies justified in USIS distribution, especially factual account Soviet related satellite countries and Far East.
Greatest emphasis now should be presentation fullest picture American policies and people, not overlooking however interests in Far East, and striving present fullest possible picture our policies China, elsewhere Far East. Blatant Communist attacks on United States must be countered. Distortions and misrepresentations of truth cannot be overlooked and we should not sit silently by if Communists open frontal assault on United States.
We must not permit fear Communist reprisals and possible closure USIS in China to allow us lose sight our own principles and thus distort own picture to point where it might fit too closely that painted by Communist propagandists. To do this would negate entire information effort and best course such circumstances would be termination [Page 1165] information program. It seems feasible and possible to us to steer middle course in this early period that will not compromise our principles and at same time will not bow to Communist propaganda. Officers on the spot must be relied on for decisions with regard specific material and as usual have discretion to withhold distribution any material they consider inimical our best interests at the time.
Department requested provide further guidance if necessary and advise posts concerned policy to follow.
Sent Department Cantel 583, repeated Nanking 390, Shanghai 331, Hankow 19.
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