125.455/8–1549: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Hankow (Callanan)

56. Dept has decided close ConGen Hankow view impossibility effective representation for protection Amer interests, possible future hardship for staff and probable impossibility sending staff replacements from outside, supplying and communicating with post. Actual closing date subject future decision. However, Dept of opinion closure shld be timed with departure those Amcit[izen]s desiring leave China on any evacuation ship or ships from Shanghai (Deptel 45 Jul 2693). In meantime ConGen shld take steps preparatory closing and shld notify Amcits in ur district availability ConGen assist extent possible those desiring leave and confidentially advise likelihood closure fol completion evacuation. Amcits desiring leave shld be advised make prompt arrangements obtain exit permits enable them depart Shanghai possible evacuation ship about which you will be kept informed, or via north China. Dept desires ur recommendations re disposition Govt property Hankow. Travel orders and admin instr[uction]s subject separate tels.

  1. See vol. ix, p. 1274, footnote 7.