893.00/2–949: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Canton (Ludden)

44. TelCan 9. Urtel 25 Feb 9. Approach described reftel similar in nature to other feelers during recent weeks and appears be part and parcel pol[tical] jockeying for advantage by various groups. In light Gen. Barr’s estimate, with which you familiar, that in absence unlimited US aid, including immediate use US armed forces, Chi Govt cannot maintain foothold south China against determined Comm advance, seems unrealistic believe either public US Govt statement or even statements attributed to you could serve any useful purpose. If resistance Comm advance to be effective, must obviously be based upon genuine Chinese effort and not upon issuance statements from outside China. In any event, you will recall President’s reply Gimo message which dealt with this question.27

In view continued implementation China Aid Act,28 difficult understand impression conveyed to you US disinterested in contd resistance and perfectly prepared recognize Comm regime.

  1. See Department telegrams of November 12, 8 and 7 p. m., quoting this exchange, Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. viii, pp. 201 and 202, respectively.
  2. Approved April 3, 1948; 62 Stat. 158.