125.9536/6–1349: Telegram

The Consul at Tsingtao (Hawthorne) to the Secretary of State

261. Chinese staff permitted enter Consulate General for duty today for first time; previously radio operators had lived on premises maintain communications.

Expect issuance vehicle passes tomorrow.

By informal memo today protesting occupation US Government property 1 Kwangsi Road, withdrawal troops from premises requested; meantime responsibility protection real estate and Government property stored therein placed on occupying forces (Chinese staff members residing in building have not been evicted and report no property has been removed[)]. Similarly inquiry made regarding whereabouts welfare Bender and Smith61 and when I may expect them turned over my custody (reDeptel 156, June 462).

Relatively little anti-American propaganda either by poster, radio or press. On contrary district military leader of area where Consulate General located on June 11, in speech to representatives each family in district, stated “thanks to our American comrades, the Kmt63 bandits did not destroy public utilities”. Presumably he referred to joint [Page 1125] Consular representations to Liu An-chi,64 previously reported,65 when I acted as spokesman.

Repeated Nanking 188, Shanghai 106.

  1. For information on the case of Elmer C. Bender, U.S. Marines, and William C. Smith, U.S. Navy, see footnote 31, p. 384.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Kuomintang (Nationalist Party).
  4. Liu An-chi, Chinese Commanding General, Tsingtao Garrison.
  5. Despatch No. 19, June 2, from the Consul at Tsingtao, not printed.