125.937/9–349: Telegram
The Consul General at Tientsin (Smyth) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 4—8:14 a. m.]
703. Communist authorities have consistently taken line that Consulates not recognized and that consular personnel and property foreign governments treated as foreign [non-] official so long as diplomatic relations not established. Although dismay [this may?] not conform international practice we feel from practical viewpoint it must be taken into account and whether or not we like it our course action must be predicated on this fact. We feel mistake to think Communists will heed “diplomatic” protests or arguments based on international comity.
Futility our “vigorous protests to highest Communist authorities” demonstrated number cases, notably that consular staff Mukden remains virtually prisoners; also re USIS closing. “Vigorous protests” look well in American press or over radio but effect on Communists seems nil. Obvious our consular officers in Communist areas are here on Communist sufferance and must comply Communist regulations or suffer consequences. Mukden good example how we at mercy of Communists with apparent inability United States Government assist Consuls.